Thursday, 5 February 2015

Use Facebook in mobile without internet connectivity

In this World, every 11th people having a Facebook account and in every second a new user is signing up in Facebook. Facebook is the second biggest website by traffic behind the Google.

Facebook is creating lot of buzz in the social media market world from the day it launched. There is no other social media site which can get these many millions of users and the people online every day.

People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users. Hence, it is easy to log in to Facebook from the mobile devices which always users cannot login from the computer from anywhere. Here I am sharing a unique trick for non-internet mobile users to use Facebook in their mobiles.

Trick to use Facebook (Mobile) for free without Internet

  • Unlock your mobile take any mobile and dial *325#
  • After dialing to that number there will be new screen alert


  • Then enter your Facebook details user name and password
  • Then on the screen you will watch the below options

  1. Message
  2. News Feed
  3. Update Status
  4. Post On Wall
  5. Friend Request
  6. Notification

*.account settings

  • To select the above options click on answer button and enter your choice
  • Here there is a condition you can update your status many times from the options but for other options unlimited times it costs Rs1/day
  • To add your friend on Facebook then dial to *325*mobile number#