WhatsApp has now added a call button in its new update for iPhone users indicating that the launch is soon than expected .
The new call button comes with the new update (version2.11.15) that has been rolled out to all iPhone users yesterday. It's not visible in group chats, but if you open an individual conversation, the button is right next to the user’s profile picture on the top right. If you have an iPhone and can’t see the button, head over to the App Store and download the latest update.
The new call button comes with the new update (version2.11.15) that has been rolled out to all iPhone users yesterday. It's not visible in group chats, but if you open an individual conversation, the button is right next to the user’s profile picture on the top right. If you have an iPhone and can’t see the button, head over to the App Store and download the latest update.
This call button currently just makes a normal call to the user via your operator network. The call button is not seen on Android smartphones now
WhatsApp recently also rolled out the WhatsApp Web feature which gives users the ability to use the service on any PC by Google Chrome browser. This feature is currently available for Anidroid and windows users, and has not been rolled out to iPhone users due to iOS limitations.