Motorola launched the Moto E handset in May last year in India . The smartphone is exclusively available through online shopping portal Flipkart in the country which was previously sold for Rs 6,999/- that is now available for purchase for Rs 5,999/-
The specifications are
- 4.3-inch qHD display (960×540 pixels) with a pixel density of 256ppi
- protected by Corning Gorilla Glass.
- 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon 200 processor , paired with 1GB of RAM
- 4GB of internal storage with support for microSD card.
- 5-megapixel rear camera.
- Dual-SIM capable handset
- supports 3G, Wi-Fi
- 1,980mAh battery capacity
The price reduction of the handset can be assumed that Motorola is planning to release its next Moto E’s successor or might be like the company is thinking to give a competition to others handsets with same features .