If you tagged on any porn link on Facebook, don’t click on it. A malicious porn link has been circulating on the social network, which is activated the moment you click on the link. This malware has infected over 100,000 Facebook users in under two days.
As reported by Threat Post, the Facebook malware is disguised as a Flash update. Essentially what users see is a porn link posted by one (or more) of their friends. Once clicked — which you shouldn’t — the link directs you to a website, which users claim is disguised as YouTube.
The malware spreads itself by posting links to a pornographic video from the account of previously infected users. Once a user is affected, the malware starts to post porn links to the victim’s Facebook News Feed and Tag 20 friends each time. And when a user opens the link contained in the post, the video begins to play but then stops and asks the viewer to install a fake Flash player containing a Trojan downloader with the actual malware. If a user clicks on that link, a Trojan malware affects users’ keyboard and mouse.
Facebook assures that it is aware of the malware and is taking measures to remove it and stop spreading and affecting more users. Its statement reads,