Sunday, 25 January 2015

How to enable a hidden clock and calendar in Windows 10 new build 9926

In Microsoft new build of Windows 10 there are few features which are not enabled by default but with a simple registry trick, you can able to use those hidden features. We just found another hidden items i.e the clock and calendar widget.

If you want to enable this feature in your install of Windows 10, it's quite easy, if you know how to tweak the registry. With that being said, only proceed if you have experience adding values to the registry because if you do this incorrectly, it can break your install of Windows 10.

  • Open Regedit.exe
  • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell
  • Right click and select New - > DWORD (32-bit) and call it UseWin32TrayClockExperience with no spaces, exactly as written.
  • Click on the clock in the system tray

Once completed, you will be able to see the new calendar and clock. Other than the new UI, there is not much else to the feature but seeing that it is polished, we expect this to arrive in the final release of Windows 10.

Source: Neowin