The Indian Government on Wednesday approved a base price of Rs 3,705 crore per megahertz (Mhz) for the auction which is going to be on March 4- 2015 for 3G spectrum , it is said by the reports that its 36% higher than what the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has recommended to the Indian Government
The Union telecom minister of Indian Government Mr .Ravi Shankar Prasad told reporters after the Cabinet meeting that " The Cabinet has approved a base price of Rs 3,705 crore per Mhz for the 2100 MHz band (which is used for 3G mobile services).
Its is also said that on the parallel the government is also going to conduct an auction for 2G bands (800 MHz, 900MHz and 1800 MHz) in three bands the premium 900MHz, 1800MHz and 800MHz.
The Union telecom minister of Indian Government Mr .Ravi Shankar Prasad told reporters after the Cabinet meeting that " The Cabinet has approved a base price of Rs 3,705 crore per Mhz for the 2100 MHz band (which is used for 3G mobile services).
Its is also said that on the parallel the government is also going to conduct an auction for 2G bands (800 MHz, 900MHz and 1800 MHz) in three bands the premium 900MHz, 1800MHz and 800MHz.