For starters, those interested need to go to to enable their machines to see the new version of the OS. After that, manually check for updates – we prefer using Control Panel for this, but PC Settings should work fine.
Updating can take a pretty long while, especially as Microsoft's servers are currently under heavy stress and because WU traditionally tries to not use up system resources. So make sure to give it a good long while - it took us a full 6 hours, though most of that was due to slow servers.
After the update is downloaded and unpacked, you'll need to restart your PC, after which it goes into the regular update process you'd go through with an ISO.
You'll find all you programs still working and most of your settings are still saved, so this should be an almost painless experience. Of course that's as long as you don't run into any of the common bugs.
Did you upgrade your machines ? If yes then share your experiences in comments below.
Source: Neowin