Xiaomi Mi4c Leaked To Come With Type-C USB port and Even More Internal Storage

It was earlier reported that Xiaomi Mi4c is going to carry a price of less than $250, which is a steal of a deal considering that you will get a smartphone running a Snapdragon 808 chipset in it.

Windows 10 for phones features revealed

Microsoft showed off a number of new features for Windows 10 on phones today, but in afternoon sessions at the company’s press event. Most of the demonstrations focused on improving the built-in apps and features of Windows Phone, and fixing a lot of the oddities. That includes mail, maps, photos, Skype, and messaging.

Windows 8 and Windows 7 would receive a free upgrade to Windows 10

Once the OS launches later this year, Microsoft announced that all users who are using- Windows 8 and Windows 7 would receive a free upgrade to Windows 10 . With the release of the January Technical Preview, Microsoft is testing one of those systems.

Windows 10 build 9926 installation process

If you are installing the Windows 10 build that was released today, you will notice that the installation screens have been slightly changed or updated since Windows 8 and even over 9879, to a small degree. Since we know you don't install Windows builds frequently, we snapped some screens while installing the OS that you can see at the bottom of the post.

Whatsapp launches the Web client

Today WhatsApp announced a web client that will enable users to use the world’s most popular mobile IM client on their PC and Macs. But this web Client works only in the Google Chrome browser.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Know Who Logged into My Computer and When

In Windows, there is one inbuilt too will records all events in your computer called “Event Viewer”. This application records all your computer activities from login to logoff etc.

The Event Viewer can be accessed in all Windows Operating system including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Here, I”ll show you how to find the login events in Windows 8. To open the Event Viewer, type the eventvwr.msc in Run Command (Open run command Press Win + R Keys ) and press enter.

Now the Event Viewer utility will open, and many logs will be shown to you. To get login events of you computer click Windows logs -> System in the left panel.

The System log will show all the logs from kernel, Wireless network service start. There you can also find out the login event “Winlogon”. Just click the login event to display the properties of that event in the panel below.

In the properties, you can get the much needed information such as Login time, user account, event ID.

Lock your Folder without using any Software

Everyone wants to hide some of their folders or files which are private. And to lock your folder you need to install a software, and that occupies some space on your hard disk. Today I am going to give you a simple trick to lock your folders or file manually without using any software.

  • Paste the code given below in notepad and ‘Save’ it as batch file (with extension ‘.bat‘).
  • Any name will do.
  • Then you see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker.
  • New folder named ‘Locker‘ would be formed at the same location.
  • Now bring all the files you want to hide in the ‘Locker’ folder. Double click on the batch file to lock
  • the folder namely ‘Locker‘.
  • If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for
  • password.
  • Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.


if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Enjoy !!!

Policy update: Google ban sexually explicit content and nudity on Blogger

Today Google warns all the blog users that if there Blogs contains images and video that are sexually explicit or show graphic nudity on the Blogger platform will be offline by Google end of next month.

Google warns existing bloggers with sexual content or nudity that they will have to either remove the content, set their blog to private and only viewable by the owner, or just leave. But, Google said it will allow nudity if the content offers a "substantial public benefit", which includes nudity in "artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts".

According to the Adult content policy on Blogger :

Changes you’ll see to your existing blogs
If your existing blog doesn’t have any sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video on it, you won’t notice any changes.
If your existing blog does have sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video, your blog will be made private after March 23, 2015. No content will be deleted, but private content can only be seen by the owner or admins of the blog and the people who the owner has shared the blog with.
Settings you can update for existing blogs
If your blog was created before March 23, 2015, and contains content that violates our new policy, you have a few options for changing your blog before the new policy starts:
Remove sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video from your blog
Mark your blog as private
If you’d rather take your blog down altogether, you can export your blog as a .xml file or archive your blog's text and images using Google Takeout.
In its content policy for Blogger, Google says "It is our belief that censoring this content is contrary to a service that bases itself on freedom of expression."

Blogs will have until March 23rd to meet the new policy.

Source: Blogger

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Remove the 'Superfish' Malware manually

If you have a Lenovo system that includes the Superfish malware, and you want to remove it. Formatting your system and reinstalling Windows is one way to do this, but while it's a relatively straightforward process, it's a time-consuming one. Using Lenovo's own restore image won't work, because that will probably reinstate Superfish anyway. Performing a clean install from Windows media will work, but you'll have to reinstall all your software and restore all your data from backup to do the job fully.

An alternative is to remove the malware itself. Lenovo has published instructions, but at the time of writing, they're woefully inadequate. Lenovo's instructions describe how to remove the advertising software, but unfortunately, it doesn't address the important bit: the gaping security vulnerability.

The Superfish root certificate can be used to create certificates for any domain, and those certificates will be implicitly trusted by the browser on any Superfish-infected system, leaving victims vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. To fix this, the certificate itself needs to be removed.

There are several places that the Superfish certificate can be installed. Windows has its own certificate store that includes, among other things, the root certificates that it trusts. Superfish installs its certificate to the Windows store. Some third-party software, including Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird, doesn't use the Windows store; instead, those apps have their own private certificate stores. Superfish can insert its root certificate into those stores, too, though this isn't guaranteed. To make a Superfish system secure, all of these stores must be cleaned.

The first step to cleaning a system is to uninstall the Superfish software. This is done in the conventional way: open Windows' Programs and Features applet (our preferred way: right-click the Start button on the taskbar and pick Programs and Features from the menu). Find an entry called something along the lines of "Superfish Inc. VisualDiscovery" (the exact name may vary; Lenovo's instructions call it simply "Visual Discovery") and double-click it. There won't be any on-screen indication, but after a few seconds, the software is removed.

Lenovo says you should then reboot. It can't hurt.

Next up, it's time to clean out the Windows certificate store. Open up a command prompt (again, we prefer to do this by right-clicking the Start button and choosing Command Prompt), enter the command certmgr.msc, and hit return.

This opens the Windows certificate manager app. On the left-hand side, navigate to Trusted Root Certification Authorities and then, within that folder, to Certificates. You should see the fairly short list of certificate authorities that Windows trusts. One of these will be named "Superfish, Inc." and that's the one we want to get rid of. Select it, then press delete.

Windows will warn you about this action. Deleting root certificates can have grave consequences; get rid of the wrong ones and your browser may stop trusting any secure content or Windows Update might stop believing that patches are authentic, and that's what this warning is here to warn you about. After making sure you have the Superfish certificate (and only the Superfish certificate) selected, hit yes.

If you only use Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Opera and do not have Firefox or Thunderbird installed, you should be good at this point. Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Opera all use the system certificate store, so they are now protected. Firefox and Thunderbird users need to read on.

From within Firefox, open the menu in the top right and choose options. From there, go to the Advanced tab, and within that, the Certificates subtab.

Click View Certificates to see Firefox's list of trusted certificates, and scroll through the list until you see the Superfish entry. Click the entry—in our experience, you'll need to select the second line (the one that includes the "Software Security Device" part)—and then press the Delete or Distrust... button

Firefox will show you a confirmation. After double-checking that it is indeed Superfish that you're deleting, press OK.

The process for Thunderbird is very similar, but the menus and dialog boxes look slightly different for some reason. First, go to the options box.

Then to the Certificates subtab of the Advanced tab.

Click View Certificates and scroll the list until you see the Superfish entry.

Select Superfish and press the Delete or Distrust... button.

Verify that the warning message shows the right information, then click OK.

With that, the task should be complete, and your system will no longer trust the bogus Superfish certificate, nor any sites or software abusing the certificate.

Thank's arstechnica for this amazing tip.

Source: arstechnica | Image via  arstechnica

Lumia Camera 5.0 gets a small update

Microsoft just updated the Lumia Camera 5.0 app for specific Windows Phone devices those are having Lumia Denim. Those phones are the Lumia 830, Lumia 930, and Lumia 1520.

The app now has the version number of compare to the last update, which had the number As you might have guessed, this means the update is a minor one with no change log listed.

Download Lumia Camera 5.0 (Lumia Denim software update required)

If you do notice any improvements, please let us know in the comments.

Google Chrome Speeding Up With Newer HTTP/2 and Saying Goodbye to SPDY

HTTP emerged as a simple protocol as web standard in 1996, and since then it has served the web elegantly. Google has been using SPDY for the sake of better speeds. SPDY, pronounced “SPeeDY, was developed for reducing the latency with the help of features like request prioritization, multiplexed streams and HTTP header compression.

HTTP/2, the first major change to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol in 16 years, has been formally approved by the IESG (Internet Engineering Steering Group), along with the HPACK specification.

The key features of HTTP/2 include multiplexing and header compression- both allow users to make multiple page requests at once. Keeping in mind the advantages of HTTP/2 over the SPDY, Google will remove SPDY support in early 2016.  Apart from SPDY, Google is also removing support for TLS extension (NPN) and replacing it with ALPN in Chrome. This move of choosing HTTP/2 and ALPN has been backed by server developers.

Google says in its blog that
“We’re happy to have contributed to the open standards process that led to HTTP/2, and hope to see wide adoption given the broad industry engagement on standardization and implementation. We also look forward to further advancements in fundamental Internet protocols that lead to a faster and more secure Internet for everyone.”

Source: mnot via Neowin | Image via  fossbytes

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Facebook rolls out new feature 'legacy contact' for users when they die

Facebook has added a new setting that gives users the option of having their account permanently deleted when they die.
Facebook members can also opt to entirely delete their profiles after their death. Previously, the company automatically froze the accounts of deceased members which made it difficult for family and friends of the deceased to take control or update the profile; this makes the feature rather welcome, though admittedly depressing to think about.

Announcing the new feature, Facebook said:
Today we’re introducing a new feature that lets people choose a legacy contact—a family member or friend who can manage their account when they pass away. Once someone lets us know that a person has passed away, we will memorialize the account and the legacy contact will be able to:
  • Write a post to display at the top of the memorialized Timeline (for example, to announce a memorial service or share a special message)
  • Respond to new friend requests from family members and friends who were not yet connected on Facebook
  • Update the profile picture and cover photo
If someone chooses, they may give their legacy contact permission to download an archive of the photos, posts and profile information they shared on Facebook. Other settings will remain the same as before the account was memorialized. The legacy contact will not be able to log in as the person who passed away or see that person’s private messages. 
Alternatively, people can let us know if they’d prefer to have their Facebook account permanently deleted after death.

Facebook spokeswoman Jodi Seth states:
" We gave this a lot of thought, and ultimately decided against it for this first version."

Facebook's legacy contact feature will initially only be available in the US.

Source: newsroom.fb.com

Hack promises to let you install Windows 10 Mobile Technical Preview on any WP8 handset with a microSD card slot

Windows 10 Mobile Technical Preview does not have all the features which are demonstrated earlier, and this Technical preview is released only for few handsets.

WindowsMania.pl have managed to get the Windows 10 Mobile TP to install on their Nokia Lumia 625, a device not included in the approved handset list.  They say the hack will work on any Windows Phone with a microSD card slot, and it is of note that before the restricted device list was displayed the much more liberal list above was seen by some readers, which said any Lumia except dual-SIM ones would be eligible, suggesting the risk is not that great.

WindowsMania does not releases the hack yet, promising it for tomorrow, but keep an eye on this site for the latest info regarding this and everything else Windows 10 Mobile.

Source : WmPU 

Microsoft includes two option in Insider, Insider Slow & Insider Fast

Some of you might be excited to grab the Windows Phone 10 technical preview but unable to use that due to lack of a supported phone or just because you are worried about bugs. No major bugs have been reported till now, but not much can be said about the future. For this reason, Microsoft has included the ability to choose from two options when updating. As shown in the image above, you can choose Insider Slow or Insider Fast.

Insider Slow:
You’ll get prerelease builds of Windows 10, but you’ll get them a little after Insiders who select to recieve Fast updates. This could mean that more solutions are available for issues.
Insider Fast:
You’ll get prerelease builds of Windows 10 ahead of everyone else. This means you’ll see new things sooner, but there may be fewer solutions available for issues. 

Source: WmPU  |Image via WmPU

Sunday, 8 February 2015

512 MB Windows Phone to get Windows 10 Update conformed by Belfiore

Microsoft's Joe Belfiore, Corporate VP of Microsoft's Operating Systems Group has twitted that Windows 10 will be available for 512MB Windows Phone devices.

According to Belfiore, Microsoft's ambition is to make Windows 10 available for these devices, but features will be differing . 

Microsoft says that the technical preview for developers will be released after the completion of  Internal testing .

Reliance jio launches free WiFi in Kolkata

Reliance jio has launched free WiFi in the city , the speed of the internet is likely as 4G connectivity . As of now the service is free and works in some parts of the area in Kolkata , The service will fully come in cover of every areasby the end of April 2015 .

Mamata Banerjee, CM of Kolkata has tweeted the first tweet using the #WiFiKolkata.

The service is available free of cost as of now. Anyone with a connectivity enabled device can log on to the service. Reliance Jio is the only company in India which has pan-India Broadband Wireless Access spectrum which can be used to provide 4G services anywhere in the country. 

Motorola Moto E now available for Rs 5,999 on Flipkart after decrease in price

Motorola launched the Moto E handset in  May last year in India . The smartphone is exclusively available through online shopping portal Flipkart in the country which was previously sold for Rs 6,999/- that is now available for purchase for Rs 5,999/-

The specifications are 
  •  4.3-inch qHD display (960×540 pixels) with a pixel density of 256ppi  
  •  protected by Corning Gorilla Glass.
  •  1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon 200 processor , paired with 1GB of RAM
  •  4GB of internal storage with support for microSD card.
  •  5-megapixel rear camera. 
  •  Dual-SIM capable handset
  •  supports 3G, Wi-Fi
  • 1,980mAh battery capacity 

The price reduction of the handset can be assumed that Motorola is planning to release its next Moto E’s successor or might be like the company is thinking to give a competition to others handsets with same features . 

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Microsoft is still working to fix Lumia 535 touchscreen issues

Everyone knows that Lumia 535 is the first Lumia phone by Microsoft and it is a low budget device but having great features. It has 5" qHD (960 x 540) IPS LCD display but many users who are using this phone reported that they are facing some issues regarding its screen due to a touchscreen bug. Few month ago we come to know that Microsoft was working on a fix for the known touch sensitivity issue present on the Lumia 535. This update was then eventually released in select markets. However, it seems that for some the problem did not go away as intended.

According to a post on an Italian Microsoft Mobile forum, the company is still trying to fix the persistent touchscreen sensitivity bug affecting the Microsoft-branded smartphone. A PR representative went on to describe the steps taken by the company to address it:

"We are sorry that some of you have been inconvenienced by this situation. We've identified some models of Lumia 535 are presenting different anomalies on the touchscreen performance.
"An OTA (over the air) software update has been deployed in 23rd of December 2014, solving most of the problems but certainly not for all customers."
"Our Technical Support Operations team here in Finland, as well as the engineering teams in the US and China have the matter under investigation marked as urgent priority, in the meantime please use the troubleshooting offered by my colleagues in this thread."
"When our colleagues in the engineering team have identified the cause of the conflict, we will provide further information, whether this is another software update or an action performed on hardware at an authorised Care Point, (at this time Care Points have not received updated info regarding this topic, thus is useless to visit them)"
The letter also disclosed that Microsoft is closely looking into resolving the issue soon:
"We assure you that Microsoft does take matters like this very seriously and our teams are working frantically to resolve this concern for our customers. For the time being, we can only recommend that you use the troubleshooting provided whilst we work to ensure that the situation is properly solved, and that you accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused."
The company has also posted an FAQ on this issue on the Microsoft Mobile website that offers some suggestions for Lumia 535 owners who are having these touchscreen problems:
  • Check that there's no water drops or moisture on the touch panel. Wipe out the water drops and moisture to get the touch panel to function normally.
  • When typing on the keyboard, take care that you tap the center of the key. Otherwise a wrong key may get pressed if typing too fast.
  • When charging, use the original charger coming with the phone. The touch screen may perform poorly if charging with an 3rd party charger that is not compatible with the phone.
  • Check also that all the phone updates have been installed (Settings > Phone update > Check for updates).



Friday, 6 February 2015

Leaked screenshots shows everything about the Windows phone 10

As we have already discussed in our previous post that Microsoft dosen't revels the releasing date of Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones, so no one knows the exact date when the Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones will be hitting Windows Insiders.But today we have found few leaks today that lead us believe that the release should be coming very soon. And now it looks like we have the best leak yet and although the language is not English, you can see nearly every new panel of Windows 10 for phones.

Windows Mobile 10 got a  huge improvement from Windows Phone 8.1. Microsoft has redesigned everything in Windows Mobile 10 including File Manager to Cortana – most of the things has been re-designed. For those of you who haven’t bothered to read the whole article, here is everything we know about WM10 on a list:

  • New name: Windows 10 Mobile (Technical Preview)
  • Re-designed Start Screen – translucent tiles, full-screen background, double-height tiles
  • New, cleaner Settings page
  • Improved Keyboard – includes a virtual joystick, ability to make the keyboard smaller, voice typing
  • Re-designed Photos, Sound Recorder, Calculator, Maps. Alarm and Xbox Video – they’re all universal now
  • New Mail, Messages, People and File manager
  • Improvements on Cortana’s UI and Action Center
  • Improved Shutdown and initial installation page

Gallery of leaked screenshots of the Windows 10 for mobiles :

Source : IThome via WMPU

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Microsoft Includes A New Feature Called Data Cards to Office 365 in its February update

Microsoft is releasing an update for Office 365 this month which includes some new features. A new 3D visualization add-in in Excel for mapping, exploring, and interacting with geographical and temporal data, enabling people to discover and share new insights called Power Map . The another feature which is included in Office 365 update is Data cards. Data cards display rich tabular data for a specific geolocation on mouse hover or selected visual. Users can drill down and surface hidden data during presentation or storytelling.

What are Data cards?
Previously, Power Map had tooltip to show data user selected for visualization. Data card allows users to provide more contextual information for presentation and storytelling. This is one of the most requested features by Power Map users. Hover over or click on any data point on the map (not available in heat map visualization), the default data card would appear to show data associated with that particular point, which are drawn from the default field list of geo, height, category, and time.

Source : WMPU 

Use Facebook in mobile without internet connectivity

In this World, every 11th people having a Facebook account and in every second a new user is signing up in Facebook. Facebook is the second biggest website by traffic behind the Google.

Facebook is creating lot of buzz in the social media market world from the day it launched. There is no other social media site which can get these many millions of users and the people online every day.

People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users. Hence, it is easy to log in to Facebook from the mobile devices which always users cannot login from the computer from anywhere. Here I am sharing a unique trick for non-internet mobile users to use Facebook in their mobiles.

Trick to use Facebook (Mobile) for free without Internet

  • Unlock your mobile take any mobile and dial *325#
  • After dialing to that number there will be new screen alert


  • Then enter your Facebook details user name and password
  • Then on the screen you will watch the below options

  1. Message
  2. News Feed
  3. Update Status
  4. Post On Wall
  5. Friend Request
  6. Notification

*.account settings

  • To select the above options click on answer button and enter your choice
  • Here there is a condition you can update your status many times from the options but for other options unlimited times it costs Rs1/day
  • To add your friend on Facebook then dial to *325*mobile number#