Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Facebook Messanger App for Windows Phone Now supports the Video Sharing Option in its new update

Facebook has just updated its stand alone Messenger app for Windows Phone to version 6.0, adding in support for sharing videos for the first time along with a couple of other improvements.

   The change log for version 6.0 of the app shows what's new:

    Video: Send photos and video instantly with one tap. When people send you videos, play them     right in the app. For sending the video you have to hold the camera button to share the video.
    Stickers: With recent stickers, find your favorite stickers faster.
    Plus, other improvements to make the app faster and more reliable

The addition of video sharing will certainly be a popular one and being able to quickly find favorite stickers will come in handy as well. This update comes as Facebook is slowly ditching messenger features in its iOS and Android apps and offering them in its Messenger app, although at the moment the Windows Phone port, which is actually published by Microsoft itself, still contains messaging features.

Download Facebook Messenger for Windows Phone (Free)

Source : WPcentral