Friday, 25 July 2014

BlackBerry says public version of BBM app for Windows Phone coming 'next week'

BlackBerry has confirmed that its BBM app for Windows Phone devices will be coming out sometime next week, following an apparently successful closed beta test.

According to the company's latest blog post, "Early feedback is positive from the public, the press and beta testers. We're seeing a lot of excitement and enthusiasm—and restlessness for the official release." The company got 10,000 signups for the BBM beta test in its first 24 hours.

After the public version is released, BlackBerry still plans to update the BBM Windows Phone app with new features in the coming months, " ... including stickers, BBM Voice, Channels and location sharing." Do you plan to download and use the public version of the app when it goes live? In the meantime, you can now grab the latest update which sits at v1.0.0.5.

Source: BlackBerry