In the new update of WhatsApp for the Android , messages can be marked as ‘unread’ by tapping and holding the conversation. They are given a green status, serving as a reminder for users to reply to someone another time.
The messaging service also has a new custom notifications setting, giving users the ability to mute a conversation for eight hours, one week or one year.
Tones, vibration lengths and pop-up notifications can also be customised.
A low data usage option for WhatsApp voice calls has been implemented and the new sections showing Google Drive backup usage suggests that the feature could be returning after it was introduced and deleted earlier this year.
The update can currently only be downloaded manually..
Source: independent | Image via AndroidPolice
The messaging service also has a new custom notifications setting, giving users the ability to mute a conversation for eight hours, one week or one year.
Tones, vibration lengths and pop-up notifications can also be customised.
A low data usage option for WhatsApp voice calls has been implemented and the new sections showing Google Drive backup usage suggests that the feature could be returning after it was introduced and deleted earlier this year.
The update can currently only be downloaded manually..
Source: independent | Image via AndroidPolice