A few days ago, the WhatsApp port for Windows Phone 8 and 8.1 was pulled from the operating system's store front with no advanced warning and no reason. Now the leader of the Windows Phone team at Microsoft, Joe Belfiore, has used his Twitter feed to give an explanation for the move.
Belfiore's statements would indicate that there might be something wrong with Windows Phone 8 Update 3, rather than the WhatsApp software itself, that's causing the bug. The app has not been made available for download for five days, although WPCentral reports that the private beta version is still live and being updated for its testers.
Hopefully Microsoft and WhatsApp can work quickly to get the Windows Phone version back up to speed ASAP. We will post up a report when the app is available again to download.
Source: Neowin,Joe Belfiore on Twitter | Image via WinBeta
Belfiore's statements would indicate that there might be something wrong with Windows Phone 8 Update 3, rather than the WhatsApp software itself, that's causing the bug. The app has not been made available for download for five days, although WPCentral reports that the private beta version is still live and being updated for its testers.
Hopefully Microsoft and WhatsApp can work quickly to get the Windows Phone version back up to speed ASAP. We will post up a report when the app is available again to download.
Source: Neowin,Joe Belfiore on Twitter | Image via WinBeta