Saturday, 11 August 2012

10 Interesting facts about Microsoft

Almost every one Knows Microsoft and its operating System Windows. But you will probably not know the following 10 interesting facts!

1. No one knows the reason, but it is impossible to create a folder named "con" or "Con". It is just not possible. And if you try to fool Windows by naming the folder "c-o-n", you will get an error message.

2. When you enter "=rand (200,99)" without the quotations into Microsoft Word, something very weird happens. After pressing "enter", the document is filled with more than 400,000 words.

3. Bill Gates, the founder of this giant company Microsoft, has officially left the company. He is no longer to blame for Microsoft's failures.

4. The biggest challenger of Microsoft is definitely Google as Google does offer many services and programs free - whereas you have to pay for if you are using Microsoft. This will be a huge challenge in the near future.

5. Microsoft Windows is installed on over 90 % of all computers worldwide - this is almost one billion computers! Microsoft Office is installed on a little bit less - "only" almost one billion computers.

6. Did you know that Microsoft does sell an MP3 player called zune?

7. Microsoft did own 50% of the television network MSNBC until they decided to quit the partnership with television.

8. The first Microsoft stocks were available in 1986. In case you were wise enough to buy those stocks, you might be rich today. Microsoft has the 3rd highest stock market capitalization in the USA with 270 billion dollars!

9. 1991, the Microsoft Corporation founded their first computer research laboratory in Redmond, Washington - not in the Silicon Valley.

10. The first company name for Microsoft was Micro-Soft but Bill Gates and Paul Allen decided against the hyphen in 1976.

This is some secret of  microsoft...